Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Etymologically, the philosophy is derived from the Greek philosophia. Philos means love and sophia meaning of truth or wisdom. So in terms of language or philosophy etymology means "love of truth or wisdom".
According to Dr. Imam Barnadib, MA word philosophy is derived from the Greek meaning philare love and sophia meaning of virtue. Meanwhile, according to Prof. Dr Harun Nasution, the word is derived from Greek philosophy which is composed of the word means love and Sophos philein means wisdom. Arabs move philosophia word from Greek into Arabic wording that philosophy.
The word philosophy is difficult to define precisely. Meaning that includes the understanding until now has been developed based on the viewpoint of those who interpret it. Here's understanding of philosophy in terms of the terms (terminology) is expressed by the opinion of some experts, namely:
a. Plato (427 SM- 347 BC) said that philosophy is the knowledge

of all that exists (science who are interested in achieving a genuine truth).
b. Aristotle (384- 322 BC) who was a disciple of Plato stated philosophy investigating the cause and principle of all things.
c. Al-Farabi (died 950 AD), the largest Muslim philosopher Ibn Sina before, stating that philosophy is the science of natural entities and aims to investigate the nature of truth.
d. Prof. Dr Fuad Hasan, professor of psychology at the University of Indonesia concluded that philosophy is an effort to think radically and trying to arrive at conclusions are universal.
e. Prof. Ir. Poedjawijatna argues that philosophy is the science that seeks causes symptoms sedalam- it for something based on the mere thought.
f. Drs. H. Hasbullah Bakry formulate that philosophy is a science that investigates everything with depth on the Godhead, the universe and human.
g. Prof. Imam Barnadib, MA see philosophy as a thorough and systematic view. Said to be thorough because philosophy is not just knowledge but a view that can penetrate up to behind the knowledge itself. And said to systematically as philosophy used to think consciously, carefully and regularly in accordance with existing laws.
Departing from some understanding of the above, the speakers came to the conclusion that philosophy is a way of thinking to seek the truth about the nature of things sedalam- it either on the Godhead, the universe and human beings without bound customs, dogmas and beliefs that come to the basic problem.

Islamic philosophy is a combination of philosophy and Islam. The word Islam is derived from the Arabic word salima which later formed into aslama. Thus, Islam is a form isim mashdar which means surrender, congratulations or maintain themselves in a state of survivors. To find out more about understanding the philosophy of Islam, the speakers will express the opinion of the figures that explain the definition, namely:
a. Dr Madzkur Ibrahim said that Islamic philosophy covers all philosophical studies written in the Islamic world.
b. Drs. HA Musthofa declared Islamic philosophy is a science that is dyed Islam in discussing the nature of the truth of all things.
c. According Musthofa Abdur Roziq argued that Islamic philosophy is a philosophy that is growing in the country under the auspices of Islam and Islamic countries regardless of religion and language of the owner.
d. Ahmad Fuad al-Ahwani, Islamic philosophy is a discussion of the nature and humans are exposed to the teachings of Islam.
From the definition suggested by the above figures, the speakers came to the conclusion that Islamic philosophy is a way of thinking to find the truth about the nature of things sedalam- it derived from the principles of Islam.

The development of philosophy in the Islamic world has produced a wide variety of alternative answers to all sorts of questions of human life problems. Answers to the various questions of the universe and the environment produce the sharing of knowledge.
Philosophy also has an understanding of the terms of the terms or agreements that are commonly used by experts, or understanding of the practical aspects. Furthermore, how the views of experts on education in the sense that is commonly used in educational practice. In this connection encountered a variety of different formulations. Ahmad D. Marimba, for example, said that education is the guidance or leadership consciously by the educator to the physical and spiritual development of the educated towards the formation of a major personality. Based on this formulation, Marimba says there are five main elements in education, namely 1) Business (activities) that are guidance, leadership or aid conscious. 2) There is an educator, mentor or helper. 3) There are in the learner or the educated. 4) The basis and purpose in the guidance, and. 5) In the course of business there are tools that are used.
As a religion, Islam has recognized the doctrine more perfect and kompherhensif compared with other religions that ever passed down before the Lord. As the most perfect religion he is prepared to become a way of life throughout the ages or until the end of the day. Islam is not just a set way to get happiness in the next life, worship and submission to God alone, but also specifies how to get the joys of living in the world including arranging educational problems. Source to regulate the issue of education as well as to regulate the life of the world and the hereafter is the al-Quran and al-Sunnah. As a source of doctrine, the Koran, as has been demonstrated by researchers turned out to pay great attention to the problem of education and teaching.
Similarly, al-Hadith, as a source of Islamic teachings, recognized enormous attention to the problem of education. Prophet Muhammad, has launched a program of lifelong education (long life education). From the description above, it is seen that Islam as a religion whose teachings are rooted in the Qur'an and Hadith al have established since the beginning of the revolution in the field of education and teaching. Steps taken by the Qur'an this turned out to be strategic in efforts to raise the dignity of human life. Is now clearly recognized that education is a bridge that ferrying people from backwardness to progress, and from humiliation to glory, as well as from oppression became independent.
According Muzayyin Arifin said that the philosophy of Islamic education is essentially the concept of thinking about education which is based on the teachings of Islam. While Omar Muhammad al Toumy al Syaibany states that Islam is the implementation of the philosophy of education in the field of view of the philosophy of education is based on the teachings of Islam.
Thus, the philosophy of Islamic education is the educational philosophy based on the teachings of Islam or educational philosophy inspired by the teachings of Islam.

1 komentar:

  1. Waduh mumet aku baca artikel bahasa inggris. Lagi membangun blog dari awal ya sob.
